Oscar and the Wolf released its third album 'The Shimmer'. It consists of 11 songs including the singles "James", "Oliver" and "Livestream". It has been since 2017 that there was a new album from
Oscar and The Wolf who was on tour until 2019 for the Infinity-tour. Lead singer Max Colombie was in the studio then to write songs and now we got the result in this amazing third album full of
glitter and glamour.
On this album, you hear the growth Max Colombie made these past years. This new album is beautiful mix of his earlier work and some electronic sounds. It all started in 2014 with the debut album
'Entity' which was a big success, just like the second album 'Infinity'. Now Oscar and the Wolf is back with an amazing third album that will make you dream but also dance and think. The album is
a great mix of light and dark, hot and cold, hard and soft, chaotic and calm.
Oscar and the Wolf will perform this new album for the first time live in the Sportpaleis on April 30th next year. And if this show will be like the previous ones, it will once again be a big
party full of glitter and glamour. Listen to 'The Shimmer' here below.